Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Sensors are a useful medical device to monitor your blood sugar levels. CGMs measure your blood sugar continuously and for longer periods. CGMs are small and implantable sensors. They use an electrochemical sensor to measure the glucose in the interstitial fluid. Their task is to monitor your blood sugar level every 2 minutes without repeated finger pricking. Your glucose readings are received wirelessly on your smartphone via a mobile application every 2 or 5 minutes depending on the CGM model you are using.
for better accuracy and longer sensor life
and why your SG and BG won't always match?
SG is your Sensor Glucose from a CGM, while BG is your Blood Glucose measured by a BGM. For instance, after we eat, blood sugar begins to rise approximately 15 minutes after food is ingested and reaches its peak around an hour later. Postprandial glucose (your glucose after a meal) depends on several factors, such as the type of food consumed, your metabolism, your BMI, etc.
When you measure your blood sugar with a glucose meter, an increase shall be seen 15 minutes after a meal. When you use a sensor, there is an additional "delay" of around 15 minutes until the glucose "reaches" the sensor. You should expect an increase in your sensor glucose readings around 30 minutes after a meal. The same pattern applies to the decrease in blood glucose.
When you compare a sensor reading to a glucometer reading, you should not always expect the same values.
Simply put, BGM and CGM measure different values:
You may be wondering why your Blood Glucose (BG) and Sensor Glucose (SG) values do not match. To help you better understand, we will briefly explain why it is normal and why to expect it.
Glucose is the main source of energy of our body. We obtain it from the food we eat. When food, especially carbohydrates, is digested, it is converted into glucose. Glucose is absorbed from the digestive tract into the bloodstream. Only then does glucose move from the bloodstream to the fluid that surrounds all cells in the body. This fluid is called the interstitial fluid. Once in the interstitial fluid, glucose moves to the cells, where it can be used for energy.
When you prick your finger, you measure your blood glucose level. This type of measurement is Blood Glucose (BG). A CGM sensor measures glucose levels in the interstitial fluid (the fluid that surrounds our cells). This type of measurement is called Sensor Glucose (SG).
No match in readings between your BGM and CGM occurs because the information about your glucose levels has not yet reached to the interstitial fluid (SG). BGM and CGM measure glucose levels in two different areas. Glucose always moves between these two areas. Your Blood Glucose (BG) and Sensor Glucose (SG) will rarely be exactly the same. This is normal and you should expect it. Follow the calibration tips below for best performance.
Note that the information provided by the sensor is intended to add up, but not replace the blood glucose readings from a glucometer. Before treating, always check BG values with a glucose meter.
the most important part of achieving better accuracy.
This section applies to sensors which require calibration. Calibration is the step where mistakes are most common. Poor calibration can lead to sensor inaccuracy.
Sensor calibration is a recommended feature with a sole purpose - safety. CGM systems which do not require calibration may be dangerous for your health as you may forget to compare your BG and SG readings.
Despite the differences you can observe between BG and SG readings, CGMs are a useful tool to monitor and control blood sugar levels. CGM readings provide broader and more detailed information about your glucose levels without pricking your finger every 2 minutes. Sensors are a great indicator of your glucose trends and levels. Glucose alarms come in handy, and they can be personalized (Glucose Alerts), as well as the alerts for quickly increasing or decreasing glucose levels (Rapid Rise/Fall).
CGM sensors should be used with caution.
To protect your CGM, you must
*We do not recommend inserting a sensor on the side you sleep. During sleep, you may unconsciously apply pressure on the sensor or obstruct the signal without your knowledge. If you often sleep on your right side, we recommend inserting a sensor on your left side.
Always confirm your Sensor Readings with a Glucose Meter before treatment.
Our team tested the Medtrum TouchCare A7+ (in some countries Slim) CGM System to study the accuracy and performance of the system. We will continue to inform you about the most effective and efficient methods of using CGM sensors. Medtrum TouchCare is a certified product in the European Union and is reimbursed in several countries across Europe. Medtrum TouchCare sensors have been approved for reimbursement by the National Health Insurance Fund in Bulgaria at the end of 2021.
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Запознайте се с реда на отпускането на сензори за кръвна захар и инсулинови помпи Medtrum по здравна каса.
You may be eligible for Medtrum CGM in Bulgaria. Check the requirements.
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